There were Moonbeams in Her Hair...Diary of a Sentimentalist

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Currently Feeling: The current mood of Moonbeams at

8:24 p.m. - 2012-12-01

Life in 2012
Amazing that I remembered my login information to this diary!

I am 43, much older and much wiser/worldlier than when I wrote my first entry back in 1999.

Chuckling as I've read through them, I feel sympathy for the young woman I once was, but I also see her fallacies and flaws and grimace at the pain and hurt she (I) must have cause those around her.

My sister-in-law and I get along very well now. My mother-in-law has been gone for nearly 9 years. I miss her terribly. My husband is wonderful as ever and I am ever faithful to him. Yes, there has been another temptation in the last year, but I consider myself stronger and better able to deflect temptation.

Yes, there is still a lot left to learn in life. I am more religious now...stronger in my convictions about our spiritual purposes in this life.

Wow, 'Juhana', my summer love, rarely crosses my mind now. I emailed him out of the blue this past August. I sent him a photo of me with my husband and daughters. I had found some photos of him online. He is overweight and his face bears the marks of a life lived under the sun and with some stresses of work and raising a family.

He is nothing more than a memory to me now.

My life is with my husband and two beautiful daughters. I miss my parents now--they are in their home country and we hope to visit them in 2014.

Signing off family wants to watch Dark Shadows (Johnny Depp) on DVD.

I love them so =)

< stardust of yesterday - next star to the right >

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