There were Moonbeams in Her Hair...Diary of a Sentimentalist

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Currently Feeling: The current mood of Moonbeams at

10:21 p.m. - September 17, 2002

The 7th Commandment
Thou shall not lust after thy neighbor. Now there's a commandment I'd been struggling with for some time.

But suddenly, my obsession for the cute guy in my office disappeared. It's like someone turned off the light switch 2 Mondays ago. I don't feel a thing for him!

That's a good thing. I don't plan to burn in hell for deadly sin #7.

I tried on a few cocktail dresses tonight at the mall. Much to my dismay, the telltale bulge of my tummy shows that my age is beyond 20...

Ugh. I'm going on a minor diet. I haven't been exercising in a week and a half because of my dratted cold. My husband looks like a pufferfish when he forgets to suck in.

Oh the glories of aging.

< stardust of yesterday - next star to the right >

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