There were Moonbeams in Her Hair...Diary of a Sentimentalist

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Currently Feeling: The current mood of Moonbeams at

4:05 p.m. - 2017-12-28

Ironic Twist of Fate - He's Back
He's back. Baby Brown Eyes, that is. The young man I reference back in my August/Sept 2002 entries (Example: See this Old Entry about Him ), when I was young also.

He and I worked together until he left for a contracting job 13 years ago. Then he got married and had a couple of kids.

But as of two weeks ago, he has returned and we are again working in the same office, closely together. That's right. He is back in the same office with me.

Life sure has a way of creating interesting twists. Time has certainly written its stamp on him. His brown hair has thinned in the front/top, and he has gained 10 pounds or so, from what I can see in his cheeks/chin. Yet he is handsome as ever and still has what I regard as a coy smile for me when he greets me.

Oh I don't think this will cause a problem for me like before. (The obsession). But I think it's really strange that he's back in the picture in this way. After all, they say that people aren't put in your life by chance. There's a reason for each relationship, each acquaintance, each passing...whether long term or short.

I just don't know what this is. Is Ole Satan trying to pull out his tried bag of tricks again? Hah!

< stardust of yesterday - next star to the right >

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