There were Moonbeams in Her Hair...Diary of a Sentimentalist

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Currently Feeling: The current mood of Moonbeams at

8:32 a.m. - 2017-12-29

Clever Hubby
My hubby reminded me just how clever he is.

Our 12 year old daughter has a science experiment that is due January 8. She signed up to determine the effect of Heavy Metal Music, Classical and No Music at All on the growth of Snow Peas under growlights. And her teacher required three different trials.

Well, being the holidays, we hadn't started this darned project, not wanting to have continuous music blaring throughout the house while the festivities are going on.

So I'm thinking we're doing one trial of the experiment with 12 days of growth and "fudging" the results of the other 2 consecutive trials because we're not going to have time to do them before January 8th.

This morning Hubs came up with the brilliant idea of doing All 3 trials at the same time. "Let's put 3 trays in each room under the growlights". That way we'll do all 3 trials of heavy metal music and classical and no music at all (total of 9 trays) and be done with it by January 8th.

Brilliant Hubs. Brilliant. We can take photos and graph the growth each day and then daughter will have real results to photograph.

So now...which music do YOU think will make the snow peas grow best?

< stardust of yesterday - next star to the right >

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