There were Moonbeams in Her Hair...Diary of a Sentimentalist

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Currently Feeling: The current mood of Moonbeams at

11:37 a.m. - 2017-12-29

First Attempt at Fasting
So my first attempt at fasting was yesterday. I skipped breakfast, ate a relatively light lunch, and then I had a light green smoothie for dinner.

I was doing pretty well avoiding snacks but throughout the evening it seemed that fasting was leading me nowhere down a path to righteousness.

It seemed only to make me think more and more about eating and my hunger.

The goal of my fast, you see, is to get closer to God and closer to my own spirituality (dominate the body and let it know you're in control).

However, by 9:30pm I was completely famished. Then I ended up devouring a leftover hunk of wonderful takeout lasagne and 4 slices of buttered toast.

I will try again another day.

side note: I'm perturbed about the number of atheists and agnostics, as well as Satanists, that I'm seeing around Diaryland. I know that everyone progresses at his or own pace; it just causes me to shudder at the thought of not having Jesus to turn to. A prayer for everyone here and everyone who has cared to read this entry.

< stardust of yesterday - next star to the right >

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