There were Moonbeams in Her Hair...Diary of a Sentimentalist

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Currently Feeling: The current mood of Moonbeams at

5:34 p.m. - 2017-12-27

Lazy Days in Bed
There's something unsettling about spending two indulgent days in a row just lying in bed, watching YouTube videos and eating rice pudding while in PJs that have started to pill from all day wear.

I've grown accustomed to being a morning person, like the Hubs, and hopping into the shower, after which my routine consists of putting on my face and blowing out my hair. A regimented 8:00am - 4:00pm job with 1 hour breaks.

But these last two winter break days--immediately following the breakneck Christmas hosted family function days--have been a lethargic blur of dazed napping between nothingness and napping and video watching (a conglomeration of sermons and makeup videos really).

"Chuckle" week when I get back to work I will be pining for a day such as this...

So get over it, I say to myself.

< stardust of yesterday - next star to the right >

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