There were Moonbeams in Her Hair...Diary of a Sentimentalist

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Currently Feeling: The current mood of Moonbeams at

7:07 p.m. - August 29, 2002

So Frisky!
Call me frisky, call me passionate, or call me what you will, but I'm feeling insatiable right now and just a glimpse of a man's hairy forearms is enough to send me drooling.

Even weirder...I have these spurts of passion, followed by dry spells, followed by nymphomaniacal lust, followed by ice queen frigidity. It's never just normal.

My favorite male body parts are (in order of most to least sexy):

1) rugged square jaw on a handsome face

2) hairy, well-built forearms

3) broad, defined shoulders

4) pair of muscular buns

5) smattering of long dark lashes

Hmmmm...get a grip on yourself, Cindy.

< stardust of yesterday - next star to the right >

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