There were Moonbeams in Her Hair...Diary of a Sentimentalist

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Currently Feeling: The current mood of Moonbeams at

20:12:11 - Tuesday Night Feb 1, 2000

Time moves swiftly

I swept the cares of the world under the rug tonight when my husband and I dimmed the lights, lit scented candles and gave each other foot massages, as we listened to Bread (70's music).

Short, sweet memories of days gone by played in my head as I closed my eyes and breathed deeply the scent of Bath & Body Works' Bamboo Pineapple Body lotion ( a present for my birthday).

I was a school child again, playing in the sand....

I was a young adolescent riding my bike idly through the heavily shaded neighborhood in the thick of summer...

I was a teenager, fresh faced and eager to start my job as a cashier at the corner gas station...

I was at the airport, fighting back a spring of salty tears, as I kissed goodbye the first boy I ever loved...

I was a young bride, whisked away 3000 miles from home, to live with my husband in our first apartment in California...

I was a new mother who held her tiny daughter's hands for first time...

And now she's six...

Time is moving swiftly...enjoy the moment...

< stardust of yesterday - next star to the right >

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