There were Moonbeams in Her Hair...Diary of a Sentimentalist

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Currently Feeling: The current mood of Moonbeams at

16:50:35 - Thursday Night Jan 6, 2000

There's a moment in everyone's life that changes that person's future forever. Changes it so that the very essence of that person's being will never be the same.


My moment was a Summer. A summer that has stayed with me for eleven outlasts almost any other memory I have in my life...and in comparison with any other time in my life, it shines as one of the brightest and happiest times I'll ever know.

If you knew how much I still remember you, Juhana, what would you say?...what would you think?...would you think me crazy?...Because a decade hasn't erased you completely from my thoughts?...

Do you ever dream of me when you see a young girl with long dark hair and big brown eyes? Do you watch the news and think of me whenever there's mention of America? Have you ever walked along the beach at night with anyone else but me?

I loved you then. And I love you now...I always will...

I will go to my grave remembering that place in time that is ours alone...

You have your new love, I know, and I have my husband and my daughter...And I love them ever so much...

I just wanted you to know that you changed my life...


< stardust of yesterday - next star to the right >

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