There were Moonbeams in Her Hair...Diary of a Sentimentalist

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Currently Feeling: The current mood of Moonbeams at

4:32 p.m. - 2018-01-09

Being shut indoors can lead to too much introspection...and a kind gray melancholy that, if you aren't careful, will lead you to forget how to go back to life outside...

My office is closed again tomorrow. There is a chance I'll be at work again this Thursday, if rising temperatures fully melt the snow and ice from our parking lot.

I've been watching a few YouTube videos today:
Amateur perfume aficionados remarking on their first impressions of high end and niche fragrances. These videos are entertaining and make way for one to fritter away the time...but then I found my mind wandering...

The perfume review videos started to seem too weightless and airy. Like people chasing after birthday candle smoke, long after the celebrant has made her wish. They're missing the party now. What life is really about.

I know I shouldn't think too deeply about this. Life does have more meaning than collecting perfume or enjoying a lighthearted hobby. But some fairy bubbles and glitter along the way aren't wasteful. Those things color your world.

Anyhow, I'm in that pensive kind of mindset this evening. Daughter is reading. She squealed with delight when her books arrived on the doorstep from Amazon. She loves to curl up in her favorite arm chair downstairs in the corner of the family room while she gets lost in a good book.

Hubby is picking up a large veggie pizza for dinner, on his way home from work.

My best friend in Phoenix is tired of me texting her that I've got another Snow Day off tomorrow while she's slaving away behind her cubicle and office work.

The sky is dusty periwinkle through my semicircle window. The sun is sinking behind the trees now and drawing down some of my spirits.

I'm in a rainy day kind of mood tonight.

< stardust of yesterday - next star to the right >

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