There were Moonbeams in Her Hair...Diary of a Sentimentalist

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Currently Feeling: The current mood of Moonbeams at

11:05 a.m. - 2018-01-02

Dear God, if you are listening now we need a Miracle
Unexpectedly starting off my 2018 healthy diet with this past favorite.

I usually have more self restraint that this, I promise. But having just said good-byes to my cousins before we all set off on our own long drives home, I guess I was feeling the need for comfort food.

I just looked up more information about the Gerson Diet on my phone, on the car ride home.

Unfortunately, on their official website, it said that the Gerson Diet is not recommended for patients with liver failure, as my Cousin G has.

I'm really feeling blue. My Cousin did take the Gerson Theraphy book and the juicer with gratitude and said she will make the effort to stop drinking Pepsi (as sugar feeds cancer) and to start on the healthy juices.

I found out she is on kidney dialysis. Apparently she is now considered a hospice patient. Her nurse, who accompanied her on the getaway with us at Carolina Beach, even seemed hopeful about the healthy juicing to stave off cancer.

But right now, after reading more about the diet, my own hopes are fading after seeing that this diet isn't recommended for people on dialysis or with liver failure.

Dear God up in Heaven...I pray you heal her. It will take nothing short of a miracle.

< stardust of yesterday - next star to the right >

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