There were Moonbeams in Her Hair...Diary of a Sentimentalist

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Currently Feeling: The current mood of Moonbeams at

2:46 p.m. - 2017-12-31

Chicken Pot Pie
Hello World,

I have just baked two savory homemade chicken pot pies. One of them is going to my brother and sister-in-law's place this evening. My dear younger brother has the flu, so I'm making a green smoothie to go with it.

Tomorrow we're driving to a beach house in North Carolina. My cousin G and her brother and several of their friends rented a spacious 6 bedroom villa for G's last getaway, on the spur of the moment. They have invited us to stay for a night.

My beautiful Cousin G is dying of stage 4 breast cancer from which she was diagnosed in 2011. The doctors have said her body won't take any more of the aggressive chemo treatments and that her liver is failing.

My Cousin G is only 2 years older than I. I'm still trying to let that sink in. I'm only in my 40's.

Several of my friends think I need to consult with G's brother before bringing up the subject of juicing (a la Max Gerson) in a last ditch effort to treat/cure G's cancer. They think G may not want to keep holding on.

In my mind, broaching the alternative treatment for cancer is like offering someone hope. And hope is more than a comforting pot pie placebo.

Hope is life giving nourishment for cells that take orders from the mind.

Think about it....when you are worried and anxious about something, doesn't your stomach tangle itself into knots?

When you're falling in love with someone new and exciting, doesn't your skin get goosepimply and your heart skip a beat?

What else but invigorate your blood and cells could Hope do?

Why bring up juicing carrots/kale/spinach with Cousin G, I say?

Why not?

< stardust of yesterday - next star to the right >

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