There were Moonbeams in Her Hair...Diary of a Sentimentalist

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Currently Feeling: The current mood of Moonbeams at

2:48pm - June 15, 2017

Hello God, It's Me
I'm at work now and should be working, but there's so little to do and so much time left before I get to go home.

Older daughter is married and (surprise!) my Mom and Cousin flew halfway round the world to attend her wedding last month! It was a wonderful 12 days that we got to enjoy with them!

I am closer to God these days. I can chalk it up to the Journal purchased from Barnes & Noble while my Cousin was on his shopping spree at the mall. The journal is entitled Hello God, It's Me. I've been writing in it for the last 3 weeks and as a result, have found myself thirsting to have more of a relationship with the Lord. I think about Him every day. I pray every day. I've asked for Wisdom and Understanding to be able to discern the promptings of the Holy Spirit.

Thank you God, for not letting me go. Even though I've been away most of my life. Even though other things seemed to take more priority in my life, when all along you were there and it should have been YOU.

Almost forgot to 30 year high school reunion is tomorrow! Where did the time go? Where have I been??? I suppose I will chuckle, when, someday I will read this and think that this entry was so long ago. I suppose it would be a good idea to get back to my present life and live in the moment before another 30 years goes by just like that!

< stardust of yesterday - next star to the right >

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